Nubar Nail Lounge

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Nubar Nail Lounge

Nail extensions are a popular cosmetic treatment that involves the application of artificial nails to the natural nails. Nail extensions can be made from a variety of materials, including acrylic, gel, and fiberglass, and can be customized in different shapes and lengths to suit the individual's preferences. The process of applying nail extensions involves several steps. First, the natural nails are cleaned and filed to create a smooth surface. Next, a base coat is applied to the nails to help the extensions adhere better. Then, the nail extensions are applied, shaped, and buffed to achieve the desired look. Finally, a topcoat is applied to protect the extensions and give them a shiny finish. While nail extensions can be a convenient and effective way to achieve long, beautiful nails, they do require some maintenance. Depending on the type of extension, they may need to be filled in every few weeks to maintain their appearance. Additionally, nail extensions can weaken the natural nails over time, so it is important to take breaks between treatments and allow the natural nails to breathe. It is also important to take proper care of nail extensions to avoid damage or infection. This includes avoiding harsh chemicals, wearing gloves while doing household chores, and keeping the extensions clean and dry. If a nail extension becomes damaged or infected, it should be removed immediately to prevent further damage to the natural nail. Overall, nail extensions can be a great way to enhance the appearance of the nails and boost self-confidence. However, it is important to weigh the benefits and potential risks before deciding to undergo the treatment, and to choose a reputable and experienced nail technician for the best results.

Acrylic Nail Extensions
Acrylic Nail Extensions cost
Natural Tips With Clear Powder Rs.2199+
Natural Tips With Pink Powder Rs.2199+
French Tips With Clear Powder Rs.2399+
French Tips With Clear Powder & Pink Powder Rs.2399+
Glitter Extension Single Colour French Style / Dripping Rs. 2499+
Glitter Extension Double Colour Rs. 2499+
Reverse French Acrylicfor Nail Imperfection Rs.2599+
Gel Nail Extension
Gel Nail Extension cost
Natural Tips With Clear Gel Rs.2499+
French Tips With Clear Gel Rs. 2599+
Natural Tips with Buikder White Gel Rs.2799+
Glitter Gel Single colour French Style / dripping Rs.2499+
Glitter Gel Double Colour Rs.2799+
Reverse Gel for Nail Imperfection Rs.3099+
Nail Art Approximate Rs.799+
Single Finger Rs.99+
For Acrylic Overlay And Gel Overlay Services Rs.200+
Reduce From Each Services Maintenance Acrylic Plain Refill Rs.1099+
Acrylic French Refill Rs.1599+
Acrylic Glitter Refill Single Colour Rs.1599+
Acrylic Glitter Refill Double Colour Rs.1699+
Acrylic Reverse French Refill Rs.2099+
Gel Plain Refill Rs.1599+
Gel French Refill Rs.1699+
Gel Glitter Refill Single Colour Rs.1699+
Gel Refill Glitter Double Colour Rs.1899+
Reverse Gel Refill Rs.2099+
Removals cost
Acrylic Rs.700+
Gel Rs. 900+
Gelicure cost
Gelicure Colour On Natural Nail Rs.799+
Gelicure Colour (Frrench Style) on Natural nails with Extensions Rs.999+
Gelicure Colour on Acrylic / Gel Extension with Extensions Rs.1799+
Gelicure Colour (Frrench Style) on Acrylic / Gel Extension with Extensions Rs.1999+
NAtural Polish Application Rs. 150+
French Application Natural Nails Rs.200+
Temporary Nail Extension
Temporary Nail Extension cost
Impress nail Rs.1100+
Kiss Wrap Rs.300+
*Goverment Taxes Extra.
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