
About Us

About Harsha n Sanjay's

Sanjay Ingley A visionary with a great strategic mind, Sanjay Ingle is a strong business leader with outstanding people skills. An ocean depth of knowledge acquiring various honours in engineering to business management and law, he is not only an inspiration to many but have also guided hundreds of people to rethink the life they have led. Together with his wife, Harsha Ingle, he found the institution “harshansanjays” which not only set its mark as a leading brand but also diversified into many sectors such as education, healthcare and consultancy.

Harsha Ingley With a zest for life and life of making, Harsha Ingle began her journey into the field of beauty and hair with a small set up back in 2008. She became an overnight sensation turning the small beauty parlour into a magnanimous studio. A gentle, humble and modest person by nature, she is known for being friendly and charming. She along with her husband, Sanjay Ingle are founding partners of this prominent “harshansanjays” brand that shines all over the country.



Team Management

Yashraj Ingley

A creative offspring of the power duo Harsha and Sanjay, Yashraj is a leading architect and a consultant in the field of Interior and Building Construction. Humility and generosity are a key to a happy life, he thinks and strives to make a mark on the sands of time. An avid reader and an opinionated intellectual thinker, he believes that there are no shortcuts to success, only hardwork, preparation and learning from failure can take you a long way. .

Tanay Ingley

With a hustler’s mind, Tanay Ingle is an ambitious, young and driven lad. He believes that you can learn from all the books you want, but real knowledge is incomplete if you don’t learn the smartness from the streets. An engineer by education, he works in the field of civil engineering and building construction. A fierce personality with a humble heart, Tanay is set on a path to achieve great heights in his career. .

Asha Ingley

A backbone of the family, Asha Ingle has always been inspiring many by the journey she has been on in her life. She believes you are never too old to set another goal or dream an new dream. Without dropping a sigh, she always managed her career of a young businesswoman along with supporting her husband and family throughout her lifetime. A dashing personality with a heap of wisdom, Asha Ingle, even at the age of 76 recites an influential saga of life. .

Pushpa Waghmare

Started her career with us as a trainee in 2008 , promoted to salon manager very next year handling lemon tree branch , learnt lot of administrative tricks , further unit at Prozone mall was single handled and was with harshansanjays since then taking care of administrative activities , she is the loyal director with 14 years of experience in all ups and downs of the group has been Certified Trainers in 15 fields awarded by National Skill Development Corporation , Govt of India .

Swati Khadke

Working with harshansanjays since 2014 handling major financial activities , now with her 10 years’ experience looks into financial and also major part with the events , and NGO activities of the group , has been Certified Trainers in 13 fields awarded by National Skill Development Corporation , Govt of India now soon will be next Academic Director of harshansanjays .

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